Monday, December 3, 2012


I will be planting spinach from seeds indoors. I have made two rows and placed the seeds approximately 1/2 inch deep.

I usually space them out about 6 inches apart but because some seeds may not germinate, I planted more than the average. You can always thin out the plants when they're a few inches tall.

Spinach - day 7

Bell Peppers - Red

I decided to plant red bell peppers from seeds harvested during the summer. Red bell peppers are easy to grow. No need to buy the packets of seeds. Just collect the seeds from the bell peppers you typically buy at your local supermarket. Place the seeds on a newspaper and let them dry up. I usually store the unused seeds in a small zip lock bag.

Red bell peppers - 17 days

I almost forgot I planted these seeds. Some seeds have yet to sprout and since I'm growing my plants indoor, I can expect some not to survive.