Monday, November 26, 2012

Planting sweet basil from seeds

Rather than taking cuttings from a basil plant, I decided to grow sweet basil from seeds. I've chosen sweet basil because they're perfect for making homemade pest and Asian dishes.

Planting sweet basil from seeds is very easy to do and they sprout in days. In may case, my seeds sprouted in 8 days.

Sweet basil seeds

Just a little bit of basil seeds go a long way.

Sweet basil sprouts after 8 days

I placed a generous amount of basil seeds in a small, homemade pot made of newspaper. I used potting soil to fill half of the pot, placed the seeds in and added more soil to cover the seeds. Then water the pot just enough to moisten the soil. Don't worry about having too many seeds in the pot. You can always thin out the sprouts once the roots have grown and are healthy enough to transfer to a bigger pot.

Day 14
Day 14 - The basil sprouts continue to come up. Patience is the key.

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